medical & diagnostic

Medical & Diagnostic


Prevention and care

Terme di Saturnia has its own team of physician specialists, with a fully equipped blood and genetic analysis center, and a thermal treatments department where high-precision health and prevention programs can be applied.

Skin Check-up
These analyses are useful for evaluating the physiological balance and the level of well-being and skin aging. The perfect synergy can be found to identify the most suitable aesthetic-medical protocol for the needs of each individual.
Mole Map
The dermatologist performs mapping through the dermatoscope and videodermatoscope. The 6 risk characteristics are assessed: colour, asymmetry, relief, size, jagged edges and evolutio.
Anthropometric check-up that makes it possible to assess the amount of Fat Mass and Lean Mass,
the percentage of water in the body and data on basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure
Testing Center
We perform over 400 different types of laboratory tests and most of the tests are performed in our center, including blood samples, we guarantee report processing within 12/24h.
Treatments for motor rehabilitation, whether pre- or post-operative, carried out with mobilization techniques for the recovery of joint function and muscle tone.
Kinesitherapy techniques performed in a special thermal water tank equipped for optimal functional recovery.
Saturnia Deep Massage
Myofascial massage on particularly contracted or hypertonic muscles, with superficial and deep relaxing effects.
Targeted treatment to relieve muscle contractions resulting from incorrect posture, using deep manipulations on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, and the paraspinal areas.
Activates natural anti-inflammatory and repair processes, reduces pain, and accelerates recovery times.

Prenota & Regala Terme di Saturnia

Prenota online sul nostro sito ufficiale con vantaggi riservati

Prenota ingressi giornalieri al Parco Termale e al Club, con trattamenti ed esperienze SPA e Medical SPA

Prenota i tuoi trattamenti benessere

Prenota uno dei nostri programmi salute e benessere

Regala Terme di Saturnia

Acquista i prodotti della cosmetica termale di Terme di Saturnia

Shop & Book Terme di Saturnia

Book online on our official website with reserved benefits

Book entrances to the Day SPA areas, with SPA and Medical SPA treatments and experiences

Book facial and body treatments and rituals

Book health and wellness programmes

Gift Terme di Saturnia authentic wellness experiences

Purchase Terme di Saturnia SPA cosmetics

Prenota Terme di Saturnia

Prenota online sul nostro sito ufficiale con vantaggi riservati

Prenota ingressi giornalieri al Parco Termale e al Club, con trattamenti ed esperienze SPA e Medical SPA

Prenota trattamenti e rituali viso e corpo

Prenota uno dei nostri programmi salute e benessere